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19 December 1991 TCSH(1)
tcsh - C shell with file name completion and command line editing
tcsh [ -bcdefimnqstvVxX ] [ _✓a_✓r_✓g_✓u_✓m_✓e_✓n_✓t ... ]
tcsh -l
OS/Dependent Options
tcsh [ -F ] [ -Dname[=value] ]
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h is an enhanced version of the Berkeley UNIX C shell _✓c_✓s_✓h(1). It
behaves exactly like the C shell, except for the added utilities of:
1) Command line editing using Emacs-style commands.
2) Visual step up/down through the history list.
3) Terminal mode sanity checking and resetting.
4) Interactive command, file name and user name completion.
5) File/directory/user list in the middle of a typed command.
6) Spelling correction of command, file, and user names.
7) Lookup of command documentation in the middle of a typed command.
8) Enhanced history mechanism.
9) Automatic locking/logout after long periods of idle time.
10) Automatic execution of a single command prior to printing each
11) Automatic periodic command execution.
12) A new syntax for the prompt, and the ability to set the prompt for
"while" and "for" loops.
13) Time stamps in the history list.
14) An addition to the syntax of filenames to access entries in the
directory stack, and the ability treat symbolic links in a sane
way when changing directories.
15) The ability to watch for logins and logouts by user or terminal on
the machine.
16) A scheduled event list, which specifies commands which are to be
executed at given times.
17) A new builtin that does a subset of _✓l_✓s(1).
18) An addition to the file expression syntax for a character not in a
set of characters and the ability to negate a globbing pattern.
19) New automatically initialized environment variables _✓H_✓O_✓S_✓T and _✓H_✓O_✓S_✓T_✓-
20) Commands for debugging terminal capabilities.
21) Searching for the visual history mechanism.
22) New builtins for the _✓w_✓h_✓i_✓c_✓h(1) and _✓w_✓h_✓e_✓r_✓e commands.
23) Restarting a stopped editor with two keystrokes.
24) Status line support
25) Automatic execution of a command when the current working direc-
tory is changed.
26) Native Language System support.
27) Automatic process time reporting.
28) OS Dependent Builtin Support
29) Automatic window size adjustment
30) Input files
31) Additional/Undocumented Options
32) Enhanced history/variable modifier expansion
33) Programmable file/user/variable/alias completion.
For a description of standard C-shell features, see the _✓c_✓s_✓h manual page.
Commands that the user types in may be edited using the same control
characters that Gnu Emacs or vi uses. Arrow and function key sequences
are also allowed. _✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h allows this by setting the terminal to `CBREAK'
mode and reading the input one character at a time.
There is a new shell command, _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓k_✓e_✓y, that allows the user to redefine
what any key does, or find out what any or all of the keys do.
Syntax: bindkey [ -a ] [ -c ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -e ] [ -d ] [ -l ] [ -r ]
[ -- ] [ in-string [ out-string | command ]]
If no values are given all bindings are listed. If only in-string is
given, bindings for the in-string is listed.
Otherwise it binds the in-string to the given out-string or command. If
out-string, this is treated as input to _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h when in-string is typed.
This may be used recursively to currently a level of 10 deep.
There are two basic key maps: the normal and alternative one. The alter-
native is used by VI command mode. For multi-character input the basic
key maps contains a sequence-lead-in for the first character in the
-a bind in-string in alternative key map.
-s bind an out-string instead of a command
-c bind a unix command instead of a command
-v bind for default VI-mode
-e bind for default emacs-mode
-d bind to compiled in default
-l list functions available with short description
-r remove the binding of in-string
In strings control characters may be written as caret-<letter> and
backslash ("\") is used to escape a character as follows:
bell character
line feed (new line)
back space
horizontal tab
vertical tab
form feed
carriage return
character code in octal
In all other cases \ escapes the following character. Needed for escap-
ing the special meaning of \ and ^. Delete is written as "^?" (caret-
question mark).
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h always binds the arrow keys as defined by the termcap entry to:
up arrow up-history
down arrow down-history
right arrow forward-char
left arrow backward-char
except where these bindings would alter other single character bindings.
If this is not desired one can avoid the automatic arrow key binding
using _✓s_✓e_✓t_✓t_✓c to change the arrow key escape sequences to the empty
string. The ansi/vt100 sequences for arrow keys are always bound.
The following is a list of the default emacs and vi bindings. Charac-
ters with the 8th bit set are written as M-<character>. Note however,
that unlike with the old _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d command (see below), the syntax M-
<character> has no special meaning to the _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓k_✓e_✓y command, and the bind-
ings for the sequence escape+<character> and M-<character> as given
below are handled separately (although the the default bindings are the
same). The printable ascii characters not mentioned in the list are
bound to the _✓s_✓e_✓l_✓f-_✓i_✓n_✓s_✓e_✓r_✓t-_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d function, which just inserts the given
character literally into the input line. The remaining characters are
bound to the _✓u_✓n_✓d_✓e_✓f_✓i_✓n_✓e_✓d-_✓k_✓e_✓y function, which only causes a beep (unless
_✓n_✓o_✓b_✓e_✓e_✓p is set, of course).
EMACS bindings
"^@" -> set-mark-command
"^A" -> beginning-of-line
"^B" -> backward-char
"^C" -> tty-sigintr
"^D" -> delete-char-or-list
"^E" -> end-of-line
"^F" -> forward-char
"^G" -> is undefined
"^H" -> backward-delete-char
"^I" -> complete-word
"^J" -> newline
"^K" -> kill-line
"^L" -> clear-screen
"^M" -> newline
"^N" -> down-history
"^O" -> tty-flush-output
"^P" -> up-history
"^Q" -> tty-start-output
"^R" -> redisplay
"^S" -> tty-stop-output
"^T" -> transpose-chars
"^U" -> kill-whole-line
"^V" -> quoted-insert
"^W" -> kill-region
"^X" -> sequence-lead-in
"^Y" -> yank
"^Z" -> tty-sigtsusp
"^[" -> sequence-lead-in
"^\" -> tty-sigquit
"^]" -> tty-dsusp
" " to "/" -> self-insert-command
"0" to "9" -> digit
":" to "~" -> self-insert-command
"^?" -> backward-delete-char
EMACS Multi-character and 8 bit bindings
"^[^D" or "M-^D" -> list-choices
"^[^H" or "M-^H" -> backward-delete-word
"^[^I" or "M-^I" -> complete-word
"^[^L" or "M-^L" -> clear-screen
"^[^Z" or "M-^Z" -> run-fg-editor
"^[^[" or "M-^[" -> complete-word
"^[^_" or "M-^_" -> copy-prev-word
"^[ " or "M- " -> expand-history
"^[!" or "M-!" -> expand-history
"^[$" or "M-$" -> spell-line
"^[0" or "M-0" -> digit-argument
"^[1" or "M-1" -> digit-argument
"^[2" or "M-2" -> digit-argument
"^[3" or "M-3" -> digit-argument
"^[4" or "M-4" -> digit-argument
"^[5" or "M-5" -> digit-argument
"^[6" or "M-6" -> digit-argument
"^[7" or "M-7" -> digit-argument
"^[8" or "M-8" -> digit-argument
"^[9" or "M-9" -> digit-argument
"^[?" or "M-?" -> which-command
"^[B" or "M-B" -> backward-word
"^[C" or "M-C" -> capitalize-word
"^[D" or "M-D" -> delete-word
"^[F" or "M-F" -> forward-word
"^[H" or "M-H" -> run-help
"^[L" or "M-L" -> downcase-word
"^[N" or "M-N" -> history-search-forward
"^[P" or "M-P" -> history-search-backward
"^[R" or "M-R" -> toggle-literal-history
"^[S" or "M-S" -> spell-word
"^[U" or "M-U" -> upcase-word
"^[W" or "M-W" -> copy-region-as-kill
"^[_" or "M-_" -> insert-last-word
"^[b" or "M-b" -> backward-word
"^[c" or "M-c" -> capitalize-word
"^[d" or "M-d" -> delete-word
"^[f" or "M-f" -> forward-word
"^[h" or "M-h" -> run-help
"^[l" or "M-l" -> downcase-word
"^[n" or "M-n" -> history-search-forward
"^[p" or "M-p" -> history-search-backward
"^[r" or "M-r" -> toggle-literal-history
"^[s" or "M-s" -> spell-word
"^[u" or "M-u" -> upcase-word
"^[w" or "M-w" -> copy-region-as-kill
"^[^?" or "M-^?" -> backward-delete-word
"^X^X" -> exchange-point-and-mark
"^X*" -> expand-glob
"^X$" -> expand-variables
"^XG" -> list-glob
"^Xg" -> list-glob
"^Xn -> normalize-path
"^XN -> normalize-path
VI Insert Mode functions
"^@" -> is undefined
"^A" -> beginning-of-line
"^B" -> backward-char
"^C" -> tty-sigintr
"^D" -> list-or-eof
"^E" -> end-of-line
"^F" -> forward-char
"^G" -> list-glob
"^H" -> backward-delete-char
"^I" -> complete-word
"^J" -> newline
"^K" -> kill-line
"^L" -> clear-screen
"^M" -> newline
"^N" -> down-history
"^O" -> tty-flush-output
"^P" -> up-history
"^Q" -> tty-start-output
"^R" -> redisplay
"^S" -> tty-stop-output
"^T" -> transpose-chars
"^U" -> backward-kill-line
"^V" -> quoted-insert
"^W" -> backward-delete-word
"^X" -> expand-line
"^Y" -> tty-dsusp
"^Z" -> tty-sigtsusp
"^[" -> vi-cmd-mode
"^\" -> tty-sigquit
" " to "~" -> self-insert-command
"^?" -> backward-delete-char
VI Command Mode functions
"^@" -> is undefined
"^A" -> beginning-of-line
"^B" -> is undefined
"^C" -> tty-sigintr
"^D" -> list-choices
"^E" -> end-of-line
"^F" -> is undefined
"^G" -> list-glob
"^H" -> backward-char
"^I" -> vi-cmd-mode-complete
"^J" -> newline
"^K" -> kill-line
"^L" -> clear-screen
"^M" -> newline
"^N" -> down-history
"^O" -> tty-flush-output
"^P" -> up-history
"^Q" -> tty-start-output
"^R" -> redisplay
"^S" -> tty-stop-output
"^T" -> is undefined
"^U" -> backward-kill-line
"^V" -> is undefined
"^W" -> backward-delete-word
"^X" -> expand-line
"^[" -> sequence-lead-in
"^\" -> tty-sigquit
" " -> forward-char
"!" -> expand-history
"$" -> end-of-line
"*" -> expand-glob
"+" -> down-history
";" -> vi-repeat-char-fwd
"," -> vi-repeat-char-back
"-" -> up-history
"." -> is undefined
"/" -> vi-search-back
"0" -> vi-zero
"1" to "9" -> digit-argument
"?" -> vi-search-fwd
"@" -> is undefined
"A" -> vi-add-at-eol
"B" -> vi-word-back
"C" -> change-till-end-of-line
"D" -> kill-line
"E" -> vi-endword
"F" -> vi-char-back
"I" -> vi-insert-at-bol
"J" -> history-search-forward
"K" -> history-search-backward
"N" -> vi-search-back
"O" -> sequence-lead-in
"R" -> vi-replace-mode
"S" -> vi-substitute-line
"T" -> vi-charto-back
"U" -> is undefined
"V" -> expand-variables
"W" -> vi-word-fwd
"X" -> backward-delete-char
"[" -> sequence-lead-in
"\^" -> beginning-of-line
"a" -> vi-add
"b" -> backward-word
"c" -> is undefined
"d" -> vi-delmeta
"e" -> vi-eword
"f" -> vi-char-fwd
"h" -> backward-char
"i" -> vi-insert
"j" -> down-history
"k" -> up-history
"l" -> forward-char
"m" -> is undefined
"n" -> vi-search-fwd
"r" -> vi-replace-char
"s" -> vi-substitute-char
"t" -> vi-charto-fwd
"u" -> vi-undo
"v" -> expand-variables
"w" -> vi-beginning-of-next-word
"x" -> delete-char
"~" -> change-case
"^?" -> backward-delete-char
"M-?" -> run-help
"M-[" -> sequence-lead-in
"M-O" -> sequence-lead-in
VI Multi-character bindings
"^[?" -> run-help
In _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h there are two input modes: _✓i_✓n_✓s_✓e_✓r_✓t and _✓o_✓v_✓e_✓r_✓w_✓r_✓i_✓t_✓e. All characters
that are bound to the _✓s_✓e_✓l_✓f-_✓i_✓n_✓s_✓e_✓r_✓t-_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d either get inserted or
overwrite what was under the cursor depending on the input mode. In
emacs one can toggle between modes using the _✓o_✓v_✓e_✓r_✓w_✓r_✓i_✓t_✓e-_✓m_✓o_✓d_✓e function,
and in VI one can use any of the replace mode commands. By default the
mode is preserved between input lines. To specify a default mode that
can be enforced at the beginning of each command line, the variable
_✓i_✓n_✓p_✓u_✓t_✓m_✓o_✓d_✓e can be set to either _✓i_✓n_✓s_✓e_✓r_✓t or _✓o_✓v_✓e_✓r_✓w_✓r_✓i_✓t_✓e.
There is also an older version of bindkey called _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d, that allows the
user to redefine what any key does, or find out what any or all of the
keys do. This is retained for compatibility reasons.
If given two arguments _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d binds the function (first argument) to the
given key (second argument). The key may be: the direct character or a
caret-<letter> combination, which is converted to control-<letter>; M-
<letter> for an escaped character; or F-<string> for a function key.
For the last of these, the function key prefix must be bound to the
function "sequence-lead-in" and the string specified to the _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d command
must not include this prefix.
If given one argument _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d takes the argument as the name for a key and
tells what that key does. As a special case, the user can say
bind emacs
bind vi
to bind all the keys for Emacs or vi mode respectively.
If given no arguments _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d tells what all of the keys do. If you give
bind the single argument of 'defaults', it resets each key to its
default value (see the above list).
The keys ^P and ^N are used to step up and down the history list. If
the user has typed in the following:
> ls
foo bar
> echo mumble
then enters ^_✓P, the shell will place "echo mumble" into the editing
buffer, and will put the cursor at the end of the line. If another ^_✓P
is entered, then the editing line will change to "ls". More ^_✓Ps will
make the bell ring, since there are no more lines in the history. ^_✓N
works the same way, except it steps down (forward in time).
An easy way to re-do a command is to type ^_✓P followed by _✓R_✓e_✓t_✓u_✓r_✓n. Also,
pieces of previous commands can be assembled to make a new command. The
commands that work on regions are especially useful for this.
^_✓P and ^_✓N actually only copy commands from out of the history into the
edit buffer; thus the user may step back into the history and then edit
things, but those changes do not affect what is actually in _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h '_✓s his-
Another way to recall (parts of) history commands is via the 'expand-
history' function. A variation of the 'expand-history' function is
called 'magic-space'. This function expands _✓c_✓s_✓h history, and always
appends a space. Magic-space thus can be bound to <space>, to automati-
cally expand _✓c_✓s_✓h history. Expand-history is normally bound to _✓M-<_✓s_✓p_✓a_✓c_✓e>
and magic-space is not bound.
As part of the editor, _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h does a check and reset of the terminal mode
bits. If the speed has been changed, then _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will change to using
that speed. _✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h will also obey changes in the padding needed by the
tty. Also, the shell will automatically turn off RAW and CBREAK (on
systems that use _✓t_✓e_✓r_✓m_✓i_✓o(_✓7) it will turn on ICANON) modes, and will turn
on the tty driver's output processing (OPOST).
The list of the tty modes that are always set or cleared by _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h can be
examined and modified using the _✓s_✓e_✓t_✓t_✓y builtin. The _✓s_✓e_✓t_✓t_✓y display is
similar to _✓s_✓t_✓t_✓y(_✓1), and varies depending on the system's tty driver.
Modes that _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will always try to set are shown as +_✓m_✓o_✓d_✓e . Modes that
_✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will always try to clear are shown as -_✓m_✓o_✓d_✓e and modes that tcsh
will track and allow to be modified are not shown by default, or if the
-_✓a flag is given, are shown without a leading sign. For tty characters,
-_✓c_✓h_✓a_✓r disables the tty character, while +_✓c_✓h_✓a_✓r protects the tty character
from being changed.
Setty can be used to control the three different modes _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h uses for the
tty. The default mode displayed is the "execute" mode which is used when
tcsh executes commands. The two other modes are the "edit" mode and the
"quote" mode. The "edit" mode is used for command line editing, and the
"quote" mode is used when entering literal characters. The "execute"
mode can be specified with -_✓x , the "edit" mode with -_✓d , and the
"quote" mode with -_✓q For example if one wants to set the _✓e_✓c_✓h_✓o_✓k flag and
let the _✓e_✓c_✓h_✓o_✓e pass unchanged:
> setty
iflag:-inlcr -igncr +icrnl
oflag:+opost +onlcr -onlret
lflag:+isig +icanon +echo +echoe -echok -echonl -noflsh
+echoctl -flusho +iexten
> setty +echok echoe
> setty
iflag:-inlcr -igncr +icrnl
oflag:+opost +onlcr -onlret
lflag:+isig +icanon +echo +echok -echonl -noflsh +echoctl
-flusho +iexten
In typing commands, it is no longer necessary to type a complete name,
only a unique abbreviation is necessary. When you type a TAB to _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h it
will complete the name for you, echoing the full name on the terminal
(and entering it into the edit buffer). If the prefix you typed matches
no name, the terminal bell is rung, unless the variable _✓n_✓o_✓b_✓e_✓e_✓p is set.
The name may be partially completed if the prefix matches several longer
names. If this is the case, the name is extended up to the point of
ambiguity, and the bell is rung. This works for file names, command
names, shell variables and the ~ user name convention. The variable
_✓f_✓i_✓g_✓n_✓o_✓r_✓e may be set to a list of suffixes to be disregarded during com-
Assume the current directory contained the files:
DSC.TXT bin cmd lib memos
DSC.NEW chaos cmtest mail netnews
bench class dev mbox new
The command:
> gnumacs ch[TAB]
would cause _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h to complete the command with the file name chaos. If
instead, the user had typed:
> gnumacs D[TAB]
_✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h would have extended the name to DSC and rung the terminal bell,
indicating partial completion. However, if _✓f_✓i_✓g_✓n_✓o_✓r_✓e had previously been
set to a list containing .NEW as one element, e.g. ( .o .NEW ), _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h
would have completed the `D' to DSC.TXT.
File name completion works equally well when other directories are
addressed. Additionally, _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h understands the C shell tilde (~) conven-
tion for home directories. In addition it caches tilde name references
for fast access. This cache can be flushed by using the builtin _✓r_✓e_✓h_✓a_✓s_✓h.
> cd ~speech/data/fr[TAB]
does what one might expect. This may also be used to expand login names
only. Thus,
> cd ~sy[TAB]
expands to
> cd ~synthesis
Command names may also be completed, for example,
> gnum[TAB]
will expand to "gnumacs" (assuming that there are no other commands that
begin with "gnum").
Shell and environment variables are recognized also and in addition they
can be expanded:
> set local=/usr/local
> echo $lo[TAB]
will expand to "$local/". Note that a slash is appended because the
expanded variable points to a directory. Also:
> set local=/usr/local
> echo $local/[^D]
bin/ etc/ lib/ man/ src/
will correctly list the contents of /usr/local. Shell and environment
variables can also be expanded via the expand-variables function:
> echo $local/[^X$]
> echo /usr/local/
Completion also works when the cursor is in the middle of the line,
rather than just the end. All of the text after the cursor will be
saved, the completion will work (possibly adding to the current name),
and then the saved text will be restored in place, after the cursor.
The behavior of the completion can be changed by the setting of several
shell variables:
Setting the _✓r_✓e_✓c_✓e_✓x_✓a_✓c_✓t variable makes an exact command be expanded rather
than just ringing the bell. For example, assume the current directory
has two sub-directories called foo and food, then with _✓r_✓e_✓c_✓e_✓x_✓a_✓c_✓t set the
following could be done:
> cd fo[TAB]
to ...
> cd foo[TAB]
to ...
> cd foo/
rather than beeping on the second TAB.
If the _✓a_✓u_✓t_✓o_✓l_✓i_✓s_✓t variable is set, invoking completion when several
choices are possible will automatically list the choices, effectively
merging the functionality described in the next section into the comple-
tion mechanism. If _✓a_✓u_✓t_✓o_✓l_✓i_✓s_✓t is set to "ambiguous", then _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will only
list the choices if there were no new characters added in the completion
The "noise level" can be controlled by the value that _✓m_✓a_✓t_✓c_✓h_✓b_✓e_✓e_✓p is set
to: With matchbeep=nomatch, completion will only beep if there are no
matching names; with matchbeep=ambiguous, completion will _✓a_✓l_✓s_✓o beep if
there are many possible matches; with matchbeep=notunique, completion
will _✓a_✓l_✓s_✓o beep when there is an exact match but there are other, longer,
matches (see recexact). With matchbeep=never or set to any other value
completion will never beep. If matchbeep is not set it defaults to ambi-
If the _✓a_✓u_✓t_✓o_✓e_✓x_✓p_✓a_✓n_✓d variable is set, the expand-history function will be
invoked automatically before the completion attempt, expanding normal
_✓c_✓s_✓h history substitutions.
For covert operation, the variable _✓n_✓o_✓b_✓e_✓e_✓p can be set; it will prevent
the completion mechanism, as well as _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h in general, from actually
beeping. Finally, if the _✓a_✓u_✓t_✓o_✓c_✓o_✓r_✓r_✓e_✓c_✓t variable is set, the spelling
correction is attempted for any path components up to the completion
At any point in typing a command, you may request "what names are avail-
able". Thus, when you have typed, perhaps:
> cd ~speech/data/fritz/
you may wish to know what files or sub-directories exist (in
~speech/data/fritz), without, of course, aborting the command you are
typing. Typing the character Control-D (^D), will list the names
(files, in this case) available. The files are listed in multicolumn
format, sorted column-wise. Directories are indicated with a trailing
`/', executable files with a `*', symbolic links with a '@', sockets
with a '=', FIFOs (named pipes) with a '|', character devices with a
'%', and block devices with a '#'. Once printed, the command is re-
echoed for you to complete.
Additionally, one may want to know which files match a prefix. If the
user had typed:
> cd ~speech/data/fr[^D]
all files and sub-directories whose prefix was ``fr'' would be printed.
Notice that the example before was simply a degenerate case of this with
a null trailing file name. (The null string is a prefix of all strings.)
Notice also, that a trailing slash is required to pass to a new direc-
tory for both file name completion and listing.
The degenerate
> ~[^D]
will print a full list of login names on the current system. Note, how-
ever, that the degenerate
> <Spaces>[^D]
does not list all of the commands, but only the files in the current
working directory.
Listing/expanding of words that match a name containing wildcard charac-
ters can be done via the list-glob/expand-glob function:
> ls
foo.c bar.c a.out
> vi *.c[^Xg]
foo.c bar.c
> vi *.c[^X*]
> vi foo.c bar.c
Command Name Recognition
Command name recognition and completion works in the same manner as file
name recognition and completion above. The current value of the
environment variable _✓P_✓A_✓T_✓H is used in searching for the command. For
> newa[TAB]
might expand to
> newaliases
> new[^D]
would list all commands (along PATH) that begin with "new".
Note that Control-D has three different effects on _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h. On an empty
line (one that contains nothing, not even spaces), ^_✓D sends an EOF to
_✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h just as it does for normal programs. When the cursor is in the
middle of a line of text, ^_✓D deletes the character that the cursor is
under. Finally, a ^_✓D at the end of a line of text lists the available
names at that point. To get a list of available names when the cursor
is in the middle of a line (or on an empty line), a Meta-Control-D
should be typed (Escape followed by Control-D).
If while typing a command, the user mistypes or misspells a file name,
user name, or command name, _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h can correct the spelling. When
correcting a file name, each part of the path is individually checked
and corrected. Spelling correction can be invoked in several different
The _✓s_✓p_✓e_✓l_✓l-_✓w_✓o_✓r_✓d function, normally bound to M-s (and M-S), will attempt
to correct the word immediately before the cursor. For example, suppose
that the user has typed:
> cd /uxr/spol/news[ESC s]
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h will check the path for spelling, correct the mistakes, and redraw
the line as
> cd /usr/spool/news
leaving the cursor at the end of the line.
Spelling correction of the entire command line (independent of where the
cursor is) can be done with the _✓s_✓p_✓e_✓l_✓l-_✓l_✓i_✓n_✓e function, normally bound to
M-$ (Escape Dollar-sign). It will check each word independently, but in
order to avoid e.g. command options, no correction is attempted on words
whose first character is found in the string "!.\^-*%".
Finally, automatic spelling correction will be done each time the Return
key is hit, if the _✓c_✓o_✓r_✓r_✓e_✓c_✓t variable is set to an appropriate value:
correct=cmd will cause the spelling of the command name only to be
checked, while correct=all causes checking of all words on the line,
like the spell-line function. If any part of the command line is
corrected, the user will be given a special prompt as defined by the
_✓p_✓r_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓t_✓3 variable, followed by the corrected line, e.g.
> lz /usr/bin
CORRECT>ls /usr/bin (y|n|e)?
Answering 'y' or <space> at the prompt will cause the corrected line to
be executed, 'e' will leave the uncorrected command in the input buffer
and anything else will execute the original line unchanged.
Automatic correction is not guaranteed to work the way the user
intended. Command line parsing is done in a rudimentary fashion. It is
mostly provided as an experimental feature. Suggestions and improvements
are welcome.
The editor function _✓r_✓u_✓n-_✓h_✓e_✓l_✓p (M-h) prints a help file on the current
command (using the same definition of current as the completion routines
use). This help file is found by searching the path list HPATH for
files of the form foo.help, foo.1, foo.8, or foo.6 in that order (assum-
ing that the current command is foo). The file is just printed, not
paged in any way. This is because _✓r_✓u_✓n-_✓h_✓e_✓l_✓p is meant to be used to look
up short help files, not manual pages (although it can do manual pages
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h will save the history list between login sessions. It does this by
writing the current list to the file "~/.history" on logout, and reading
it in on login. For example, placing the line
> set history=25 savehist=20
tells _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h to save the last 25 commands on the history list, and to save
the last 20 of them between logins. The "savehist" variable may be set
up to the size of history, although it is an error to have _✓s_✓a_✓v_✓e_✓h_✓i_✓s_✓t
larger than _✓h_✓i_✓s_✓t_✓o_✓r_✓y. In addition to the above _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h, keeps unparsed
(literal) versions of the history if the variable _✓h_✓i_✓s_✓t_✓l_✓i_✓t is set. Also
the toggle-history function toggles between the parsed and literal ver-
sion of the recalled history in the editor buffer. For example:
> set histlit
> echo !:s/foo/bar; ls
Modifier failed.
> ^P
> echo !:s/foo/bar; ls
> unset histlit
> echo !:s/foo/bar; ls
Modifier failed.
> ^P
> echo unset histlit[M-r]
> echo !:s/foo/bar; ls
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h also supports the history escape !#. This undocumented _✓c_✓s_✓h escape
holds the words of the current line. This is useful in renaming com-
> mv foo bar!#:1
mv foo barfoo
Care should be taken when using this history expansion in _✓c_✓s_✓h since
there is no check for recursion. In _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h up to 10 levels of recursion
are allowed.
Another difference between _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h and _✓c_✓s_✓h history expansion, is the treat-
ment of history arguments. In _✓c_✓s_✓h !_✓3_✓d expands to event 3 with the letter
"d" appended to it. There is no way to repeat a command that begins with
a number using the name of the command in the history escape. In _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h
only numeric arguments are treated as event numbers; therefore !_✓3_✓d is
interpreted as: repeat the last command that started with the string
"3d". To mimic the _✓c_✓s_✓h behavior !_✓3_✓\_✓d can be used.
The automatic locking and logout time are controlled by the variable
_✓a_✓u_✓t_✓o_✓l_✓o_✓g_✓o_✓u_✓t. The value of the first word is the number of minutes of
inactivity will be allowed before automatically logging the user out.
When that many minutes have been reached, the shell prints "auto-logout"
and dies (without executing ~/.logout). The default for _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h is to set
_✓a_✓u_✓t_✓o_✓l_✓o_✓g_✓o_✓u_✓t for 60 minutes on login shells, and when the user is root.
To disable autologout (for instance in a window system), unset the shell
variable _✓a_✓u_✓t_✓o_✓l_✓o_✓g_✓o_✓u_✓t.
The value of the optional second word indicates the number of minutes of
inactivity after which the user will be prompted for his login password
to continue working. Failure to enter the correct password 5 times,
results in auto-logout.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h supports a special alias, _✓p_✓r_✓e_✓c_✓m_✓d, which if set holds a command that
will be executed before printing each prompt. For example, if the user
has done
> alias precmd date
then the program _✓d_✓a_✓t_✓e will be run just before the shell prompts for each
command. There are no limitations on what precmd can be set to do,
although discretion should be used.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h is now capable of providing periodic command execution through the
use of the shell variable _✓t_✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d and the alias _✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d_✓i_✓c. When these
items are set, the alias _✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d_✓i_✓c will be executed every _✓t_✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d
minutes. This provides a convenient means for checking on common but
infrequent changes, such as new messages. Example:
> set tperiod = 30
> alias periodic checknews
This will cause the _✓c_✓h_✓e_✓c_✓k_✓n_✓e_✓w_✓s(1) program to be run every 30 minutes.
Having the alias _✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d_✓i_✓c set but with an unset _✓t_✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d (or a value of 0
for _✓t_✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d) will cause _✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d_✓i_✓c to degenerate to another form of
The format for the _✓p_✓r_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓t shell variable has been changed to include
many new things, such as the current time of day, current working direc-
tory, etc.. The new format uses "%<char>" to signal an expansion, much
like _✓p_✓r_✓i_✓n_✓t_✓f(_✓3_✓S). The available sequences are:
%/ Current working directory.
%~ cwd. If it starts with $HOME, that part is
replaced by a ~. In addition if a directory
name prefix matches a user's home directory,
that part of the directory will be substituted
with ~user. NOTE: The ~user substitution will
only happen if the shell has performed a ~
expansion for that user name in this session.
%c or %. Trailing component of cwd, may be
followed by by a digit to get more than one
component, if it starts with $HOME, that
part is replaced with a ~.
%C Trailing component of cwd, may be followed
by a digit to get more than one component, no
~ substitution.
%h, %!, ! Current history event number.
%M The full machine hostname.
%m The hostname up to the first ".".
%S (%s) Start (stop) standout mode.
%B (%b) Start (stop) boldfacing mode. (Only if
tcsh was compiled to be eight bit clean.)
%U (%u) Start (stop) underline mode. (Only if
tcsh was compiled to be eight bit clean.)
%t or %@ Current time of day, in 12-hour, am/pm format.
%T Current time of day, in 24-hour format.
(But see the _✓a_✓m_✓p_✓m shell variable below.)
\c `c' is parsed the same way as in bindkey.
^c `c' is parsed the same way as in bindkey.
%% A single %.
%n The user name, contents of $user.
%d The weekday in <Day> format.
%D The day in dd format.
%w The month in <Mon> format.
%W The month in mm format.
%y The year in yy format.
%Y The year in yyyy format.
%l The line (tty) the user is logged on.
%L clear from prompt to end of display or end of line.
%# A `#' if tcsh is run as a root shell,
a `>' if not.
%{..%} Include string as a literal escape sequence.
Note that the enclosed escape sequence, should
only be used to change terminal attributes and
should not move the cursor location. Also, this
cannot be the last character in the prompt
string. (Available only if tcsh was compiled to
be eight bit clean.)
%? return code of the last command executed just
before the prompt.
%R In prompt3 this is the corrected string; in
prompt2 it is the status of the parser.
The sequences for standout are often used to indicate that this is an
enabled (running as root) shell. An example:
> set prompt="%m [%h] %U[%@]%u [%/] you rang? "
tut [37] [_✓2:_✓5_✓4_✓p_✓m] [/usr/accts/sys] you rang? _
In addition, there is a new variable, _✓p_✓r_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓t_✓2, which is used to prompt
for the body of while and for loops (wherever normal _✓c_✓s_✓h prompts with a
question mark). The default for _✓p_✓r_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓t_✓2 is "%R? ": the status of the
parser followed by a question mark. This alternate prompt is also used
when the parser is waiting for more input; i.e. when the previous line
ended in a \. The _✓p_✓r_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓t_✓3 variable is used when displaying the
corrected command line when automatic spelling correction is in effect;
it defaults to "CORRECT>%R (y|n|e)? ".
The history list in _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h now has a time-of-day stamp attached to each
history list event. This time stamp is printed whenever the history
command is executed. This allows the user to keep track of when the
various events occurred. The time stamps are not maintained on the
saved history list (also available in _✓c_✓s_✓h); thus, on logging back in,
all the saved history events will be recorded with the login time as
their time stamp. The time stamp printouts can be omitted from the his-
tory list by adding the -t switch to the _✓h_✓i_✓s_✓t_✓o_✓r_✓y command.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h supports three new flags to control directory style printing for
cd, pushd, popd, and dirs:
-_✓n Print entries in new lines so that the screen width is not exceeded
-_✓l Don't print ~ but print the whole path
-_✓v Print the stack entries one in each line, preceded by the stack
Note that popd +n can be used to pop out stack entries of directories
that do not exist any more.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h always saves the last directory visited. Changing to the previous
directory can be done by using '_✓c_✓d -' or '_✓p_✓u_✓s_✓h_✓d -'.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h will now allow the user to access all elements in the directory
stack directly. The syntax "=<digit>" is recognized by _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h as indicat-
ing a particular directory in the stack. (This works for the
file/command name recognition as well.) This syntax is analogous to the
~ syntax for access to users' home directories. The stack is viewed as
zero-based, i.e., =0 is the same as $cwd, which is the same as ".". As
a special case, the string "=-" is recognized as indicating the last
directory in the stack. Thus,
> dirs -v
0 /usr/net/bin
1 /usr/spool/uucp
2 /usr/accts/sys
> echo =2
> ls -l =1/LOGFILE
-rw-r--r-- 1 uucp 2594 Jan 19 09:09 /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE
> echo =-/.cs*
> echo =4
Not that many dir stack entries.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h will complain if you ask for a directory stack item which does not
In the normal _✓c_✓s_✓h, saying "pushd +2" would rotate the entire stack
around through 2 stack elements, placing the entry found there at the
top of the stack. If, however, the new shell variable _✓d_✓e_✓x_✓t_✓r_✓a_✓c_✓t is set,
then issuing "pushd +n" will cause the nth directory stack element to be
extracted from its current position, which will then be pushed onto the
top of the stack. Example:
> dirs
~ /usr/spool/uucp /usr/net/bin /sys/src
> set dextract
> pushd +2
/usr/net/bin ~ /usr/spool/uucp /sys/src
> unset dextract
> pushd +2
/usr/spool/uucp /sys/src /usr/net/bin ~
In addition, if the shell variable _✓d_✓u_✓n_✓i_✓q_✓u_✓e is set, only directories that
are not already in the directory stack will be added when _✓p_✓u_✓s_✓h is
The way symbolic links that point to directories are crossed is deter-
mined by the _✓s_✓y_✓m_✓l_✓i_✓n_✓k_✓s variable. By default, it is not set to anything
and symbolic links are not treated specially. However, it can be set to
either: _✓c_✓h_✓a_✓s_✓e, _✓i_✓g_✓n_✓o_✓r_✓e, or _✓e_✓x_✓p_✓a_✓n_✓d. If _✓s_✓y_✓m_✓l_✓i_✓n_✓k_✓s is set to _✓c_✓h_✓a_✓s_✓e, then
every time the directory changes, $_✓c_✓w_✓d reflects the real directory name,
and not the name through the link. A notable exception is the user's
home directory, but that should be fixed. If _✓s_✓y_✓m_✓l_✓i_✓n_✓k_✓s is set to either
_✓i_✓g_✓n_✓o_✓r_✓e or _✓e_✓x_✓p_✓a_✓n_✓d, then tcsh tries to determine the current directory
name relative to the name of the current directory before the link was
crossed. In simple terms, if you chdir through a symbolic link and then
cd .., you will end .. relatively to where you were before you crossed
the link and not .. relatively to where the symbolic link points. While
_✓i_✓g_✓n_✓o_✓r_✓e affects only builtin commands and completion, _✓e_✓x_✓p_✓a_✓n_✓d affects com-
mand execution too, by `fixing' arguments that it considers to be path
names. Unfortunately this does not work in every case, specially when
file arguments are embedded in command line options. _✓E_✓x_✓p_✓a_✓n_✓d also allows
to specify the `real' (as opposed to the one determined relatively to
$_✓c_✓w_✓d), _✓b_✓y _✓q_✓u_✓o_✓t_✓i_✓n_✓g _✓t_✓h_✓e _✓f_✓i_✓l_✓e _✓a_✓r_✓g_✓u_✓m_✓e_✓n_✓t.
For example:
> cd /tmp
> mkdir from from/src to
> ln -s ../from/src to/dst
> unset symlinks
> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
> cd ..; echo $cwd
> set symlinks=chase
> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
> cd ..; echo $cwd
> set symlinks=ignore
> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
> cd ..; echo $cwd
> set symlinks=expand
> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
> cd ..; echo $cwd # builtin
> cd /tmp/to/dst; echo $cwd
> cd ".."; echo $cwd # quoted
> /bin/echo .. # rewrites non builtin commands.
> /bin/echo ".."
While the _✓e_✓x_✓p_✓a_✓n_✓d setting is the most convenient, and makes symbolic
links invisible, it can sometimes be misleading and confusing in cases
where it fails to recognize arguments. A compromise is to use the _✓i_✓g_✓n_✓o_✓r_✓e
setting and use the editor functions "normalize-path", bound by default
to ^_✓X_✓n.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h has a mechanism so that the user can watch for login and logout
activity of any user or terminal in the system. This is accomplished
using the new special shell variable _✓w_✓a_✓t_✓c_✓h, which contains
login/terminal pattern pairs to be checked for activity. For example:
> set watch=(sys ttyjd root console)
This setting will allow the user to check on when the user "sys" logs in
on /dev/ttyjd. Similarly, it will inform the user of root's activity on
the console. In order to be more general, the word "any" may be substi-
tuted for either a user's or a terminal's name, thus allowing
> set watch=('b*' any any ttyh0)
which will check for users that match the pattern 'b*' logging in or out
of the system on any terminal, as well as anyone logging in to
/dev/ttyh0. Naturally, the completely general case
> set watch=(any any)
allows the user to check on any and all login/logout activity in the the
By default, the interval between checks of users on the system is 10
minutes; this can be changed by making the first element of _✓w_✓a_✓t_✓c_✓h a
number of minutes which should be used instead, as in
> set watch=(40 any any)
which will check for any users logging in or out every 40 minutes.
There is also a new command, _✓l_✓o_✓g, which is used to cause _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h to inform
the user of all users/terminals affected by _✓w_✓a_✓t_✓c_✓h whether they have been
announced before or not. This is useful if a user has been on for some
time and cannot remember if a particular person/terminal is online right
now or not. _✓L_✓o_✓g will reset all indication of previous announcement and
give the user the login list all over again, as well as printing the
current value of _✓w_✓a_✓t_✓c_✓h.
The first time that _✓w_✓a_✓t_✓c_✓h is set at _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h startup, all affected users and
terminals will be printed as though those users/terminals had just
logged on. This may appear to be a bug, but is generally considered a
feature, since it allows the user to see who is on when he first logs
The format of the printouts can be tailored via setting of the variable
_✓w_✓h_✓o. The following sequences are available for the format specification:
%n The name of the user that logged in/out.
%a The observed action, i.e. "logged on",
"logged off", or "replaced <olduser> on".
%l The line (tty) the user is logged on.
%S (%s) Start (stop) standout mode.
%B (%b) Start (stop) boldfacing mode. (Only if
tcsh was compiled to be eight bit clean)
%U (%u) Start (stop) underline mode. (Only if
tcsh was compiled to be eight bit clean)
%M The full hostname of the remote host ("local"
if non-remote).
%m The hostname up to the first ".". If only
the ip address is available or the utmp
field contains the name of an x-windows
display, the whole name is printed.
%t or %@ The time, in 12-hour, am/pm format (logout
time is approximated if unavailable).
%T The time, in 24-hour format. (but see
the "ampm" shell variable below).
%D The day in dd format.
%w The month in <Mon> format.
%W The month in mm format.
%Y The year in yy format.
The %M and %m sequences are only available on systems that store the
remote hostname in /etc/utmp. If _✓w_✓h_✓o is not set, the format defaults to
"%n has %a %l from %m.", or "%n has %a %l." on systems that don't store
the hostname.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h now supports a scheduled-event list through the use of the command
_✓s_✓c_✓h_✓e_✓d. This command gives the user a mechanism by which to arrange for
other commands to be executed at given times. An event is added to the
scheduled-event list by saying
> sched [+]hh:mm <command>
as in
> sched 11:00 echo It\'s eleven o\'clock.
This will make an entry in the list at 11am for the echo command to be
run with the given arguments. The time may be specified in either abso-
lute or relative time, and absolute times may have a morning/afternoon
specification as well, using "am" or "pm." For example,
> sched +2:15 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -sother
> sched 5pm set prompt='[%h] It\'s after 5; go home: >'
> sched +3am echo This syntax doesn\'t work.
Relative time inconsistent with am/pm.
Note that _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will complain if you try to make faulty time specifica-
Printing the current time-event list is accomplished by giving the _✓s_✓c_✓h_✓e_✓d
command with no arguments:
> sched
1 Wed Apr 4 15:42 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -sother
2 Wed Apr 4 17:00 set prompt=[%h] It's after 5; go home: >
There is also a mechanism by which the user can remove an item from the
> sched --3
Usage for delete: sched -<item#>.
> sched -3
Not that many scheduled events.
> sched -2
> sched
1 Wed Apr 4 15:42 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1 -sother
All commands specified on the scheduled-event list will be executed just
prior to printing the first prompt immediately following the time when
the command is to be run. Hence, it is possible to miss the exact time
when the command is to be run, but _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will definitely get around to
all commands which are overdue at its next prompt. Scheduled-event list
items which come due while _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h is waiting for user input will be exe-
cuted immediately. In no case, however, will normal operation of
already-running commands be interrupted so that a scheduled-event list
element may be run.
This mechanism is similar to, but not the same as, the _✓a_✓t(1) command on
some Unix systems. Its major disadvantage is that it does not neces-
sarily run a command at exactly the specified time (but only if another
command is already being run). Its major advantage is that commands
which run directly from _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h, as sched commands are, have access to
shell variables and other structures. This provides a mechanism for
changing one's working environment based on the time of day.
There is a new builtin command called _✓l_✓s-_✓F which does the same thing as
the command "ls -F". If the shell variable _✓s_✓h_✓o_✓w_✓d_✓o_✓t_✓s has been set, it
acts like "ls -aF". If _✓s_✓h_✓o_✓w_✓d_✓o_✓t_✓s is equal to "-A", then _✓l_✓s-_✓F acts like
"ls -AF". Ls-F works like ls, only it is generally faster, since it does
not need to fork and exec, and safer against Trojan horses if the user
has `.' in the execution path. If other switches are passed to _✓l_✓s-_✓F,
then the normal ls is executed. Aliasing ls to ls-F provides a fast
alternative way of listing files. Note that on non BSD machines, where
ls -C is not the default, _✓l_✓s-_✓F, behaves like ls -CF.
_✓l_✓s-_✓F appends the following characters depending on the file type:
= File is an AF_UNIX domain socket.
[if system supports sockets]
| File is a named pipe (fifo)
[if system supports named pipes]
% File is a character device
# File is a block device
/ File is a directory
* File is executable
+ File is a hidden directory [aix]
or context dependent [hpux]
: File is network special [hpux]
On systems that support symbolic links the variable _✓l_✓i_✓s_✓t_✓l_✓i_✓n_✓k_✓s controls
the way symbolic links are identified. If _✓l_✓i_✓s_✓t_✓l_✓i_✓n_✓k_✓s is not set then the
character '@' is appended to the file. If _✓l_✓i_✓s_✓t_✓l_✓i_✓n_✓k_✓s is set then the fol-
lowing characters are appended to the filename depending on the type of
file the symbolic links points to:
@ File is a symbolic link pointing
to a non-directory
> File is a symbolic link pointing
to a directory
& File is a symbolic link pointing
to nowhere
While setting _✓l_✓i_✓s_✓t_✓l_✓i_✓n_✓k_✓s can be helpful while navigating around the file
system, it slows down _✓l_✓s-_✓F and it causes mounting of file systems if the
symbolic links point to an NFS auto-mounted partition.
The syntax for any character in a range (for example ".[a-z]*") has been
extended so as to conform with standard Unix regular expression syntax
(see _✓e_✓d(1)). Specifically, after an open bracket ("["), if the first
character is a caret ("^") then the character matched will be any not in
the range specified. For example:
> cd ~
> echo .[a-z]*
.cshrc .emacs .login .logout .menuwmrc
> echo .[^.]*
.Xdefaults .Xinit .cshrc .emacs .login .logout .menuwmrc
Note that the second form includes .Xdefaults and .Xinit because 'X'
(and all the lower case letters) are outside of the range of a single
Also the ability to negate a globbing pattern has been added:
> echo *
foo foobar bar barfoo
> echo ^foo*
bar barfoo
Note that this does not work correctly if the expression does not have
any wildcard characters (?*[]) or if the expression has braces {}.
On startup, _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h now automatically initializes the environment variable
_✓H_✓O_✓S_✓T to the name of the machine that it is running on. It does this by
doing a _✓g_✓e_✓t_✓h_✓o_✓s_✓t_✓n_✓a_✓m_✓e(2) system call, and setting _✓H_✓O_✓S_✓T to the result.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h also initializes the environment variable _✓H_✓O_✓S_✓T_✓T_✓Y_✓P_✓E to a symbolic
name for the type of computer that it is running on. This is useful
when sharing a single physical directory between several types of
machines (running NFS, for instance). For example, if the following is
in ._✓l_✓o_✓g_✓i_✓n:
set path = (~/bin.$HOSTTYPE /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin /usr/games .)
and the user has directories named "bin._✓m_✓a_✓c_✓h_✓i_✓n_✓e" (where _✓m_✓a_✓c_✓h_✓i_✓n_✓e is a
name from the list below), then the user can have the same programs com-
piled for different machines in the appropriate "bin._✓m_✓a_✓c_✓h_✓i_✓n_✓e" direc-
tories and _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will run the binary for the correct machine.
The current possible values are:
_✓a_✓i_✓x_✓3_✓7_✓0 an IBM 370, running aix
_✓a_✓i_✓x_✓E_✓S_✓A an IBM ESA, running aix
_✓a_✓l_✓l_✓i_✓a_✓n_✓t an Alliant FX series
_✓a_✓m_✓d_✓a_✓h_✓l an Amdahl running uts 2.1
_✓a_✓m_✓i_✓g_✓a an amiga running amix 2.02
_✓a_✓p_✓o_✓l_✓l_✓o an Apollo running DomainOS
_✓a_✓t_✓t_✓3_✓b_✓1_✓5 an AT&T 3b15
_✓a_✓t_✓t_✓3_✓b_✓2 an AT&T 3b2
_✓a_✓t_✓t_✓3_✓b_✓2_✓0 an AT&T 3b20
_✓a_✓t_✓t_✓3_✓b_✓5 an AT&T 3b5
_✓b_✓a_✓l_✓a_✓n_✓c_✓e a Sequent Balance (32000 based)
_✓b_✓u_✓t_✓t_✓e_✓r_✓f_✓l_✓y a BBN Computer Butterfly 1000
_✓c_✓o_✓n_✓v_✓e_✓x a Convex
_✓c_✓r_✓a_✓y a Cray running Unicos
_✓d_✓e_✓c_✓s_✓t_✓a_✓t_✓i_✓o_✓n a DecStation XXXX
_✓e_✓t_✓a_✓1_✓0 an ETA 10 running SVR3
_✓g_✓o_✓u_✓l_✓d-_✓n_✓p_✓1 a Gould NP1
_✓h_✓k_✓6_✓8 a Heurikon HK68 running Uniplus+ 5.0
_✓h_✓p_✓3_✓0_✓0 an HP 9000, series 300, running mtXinu
_✓h_✓p_✓8_✓0_✓0 an HP 9000, series 800, running mtXinu
_✓h_✓p_✓9_✓0_✓0_✓0_✓s_✓3_✓0_✓0 an HP 9000, series 300, running hpux
_✓h_✓p_✓9_✓0_✓0_✓0_✓s_✓5_✓0_✓0 an HP 9000, series 500, running hpux
_✓h_✓p_✓9_✓0_✓0_✓0_✓s_✓7_✓0_✓0 an HP 9000, series 700, running hpux
_✓h_✓p_✓9_✓0_✓0_✓0_✓s_✓8_✓0_✓0 an HP 9000, series 800, running hpux
_✓h_✓p an HP, running hpux
_✓i_✓3_✓8_✓6 an Intel 386, generic
_✓i_✓3_✓8_✓6-_✓m_✓a_✓c_✓h an Intel 386, running mach
_✓i_✓n_✓t_✓e_✓l_✓3_✓8_✓6 an Intel 386, running INTEL's SVR3
_✓i_✓r_✓i_✓s_✓3_✓d a Silicon Graphics Iris 3000
_✓i_✓r_✓i_✓s_✓4_✓d a Silicon Graphics Iris 4D
_✓i_✓s_✓c_✓3_✓8_✓6 an Intel 386, running ISC
_✓m_✓8_✓8_✓k an mc88000 CPU machine
_✓m_✓a_✓c_✓2 an Apple Computer Macintosh II, running AUX
_✓m_✓a_✓s_✓s_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p a Concurrent (Masscomp), running RTU
_✓m_✓i_✓n_✓i_✓x_✓3_✓8_✓6 an i386 running minix
_✓m_✓i_✓n_✓i_✓x a mac or an amiga running minix
_✓m_✓i_✓p_✓s another mips CPU
_✓m_✓u_✓l_✓t_✓i_✓m_✓a_✓x an Encore Computer Corp. Multimax (32000 based)
_✓n_✓e_✓w_✓s a Sony NEWS 800 or 1700 workstation
_✓n_✓e_✓w_✓s__✓m_✓i_✓p_✓s a NeWS machine with mips CPU
_✓n_✓d_✓5_✓0_✓0 a Norsk Data ND 500/5000 running Ndix
_✓n_✓s_✓3_✓2_✓0_✓0_✓0 an NS32000 CPU machine
_✓n_✓e_✓x_✓t a NeXT computer
_✓p_✓f_✓a_✓5_✓0 a PFU/Fujitsu A-xx computer
_✓p_✓s_✓2 an IBM PS/2, running aix
_✓p_✓t_✓x a Sequent Symmetry running DYNIX/ptx (386/486 based)
_✓p_✓y_✓r_✓a_✓m_✓i_✓d a Pyramid Technology computer (of any flavor)
_✓r_✓s_✓6_✓0_✓0_✓0 an IBM RS6000, running aix
_✓r_✓t an IBM PC/RT, running BSD (AOS 4.3) or mach
_✓r_✓t_✓p_✓c an IBM PC/RT, running aix
_✓s_✓c_✓o_✓3_✓8_✓6 an Intel 386, running SCO
_✓s_✓t_✓e_✓l_✓l_✓a_✓r a stellar running stellix
_✓s_✓u_✓n a Sun workstation of none of the above types
_✓s_✓u_✓n_✓2 a Sun Microsystems series 2 workstation (68010 based)
_✓s_✓u_✓n_✓3 a Sun Microsystems series 3 workstation (68020 based)
_✓s_✓u_✓n_✓3_✓8_✓6_✓i a Sun Microsystems 386i workstation (386 based)
_✓s_✓u_✓n_✓4 a Sun Microsystems series 4 workstation (SPARC based)
_✓s_✓y_✓m_✓m_✓e_✓t_✓r_✓y a Sequent Symmetry running DYNIX 3 (386/486 based)
_✓t_✓a_✓h_✓o_✓e a tahoe running 4BSD
_✓t_✓i_✓t_✓a_✓n an Stardent Titan
_✓u_✓n_✓i_✓x_✓p_✓c an UNIX/PC running SVR1 att7300 aka att3b1
_✓v_✓a_✓x a Digital Equipment Corp. Vax (of any flavor)
_✓v_✓i_✓s_✓t_✓r_✓a_✓8_✓0_✓0 a Stardent Vistra 800 running SVR4
(The names of the machines are usually trade marks of the corresponding
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h also initializes the shell variables _✓u_✓i_✓d and _✓g_✓i_✓d to the value of
the current real user ID/GID. This is useful for telling what
user/group the shell is running as. Under Domain/OS _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will also set
_✓o_✓i_✓d indicating the current real organization id.
Only two such commands are available at this point, both concerned with
testing termcap entries.
_✓t_✓e_✓l_✓l_✓t_✓c tells you, politely, what _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h thinks of your terminal, and _✓s_✓e_✓t_✓t_✓c
`cap' `value' tells _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h to believe that the termcap capability `cap' (
as defined in _✓t_✓e_✓r_✓m_✓c_✓a_✓p(5) ) has the value `value'. No checking for sanity
is performed, so beware of improper use.
Note that Concept terminal users may have to "settc xn no" to get proper
wrapping at the rightmost column.
Four new editor functions have been added in emacs mode: Two of them,
history-search-backward, bound to M-p (and M-P), and history-search-
forward, bound to M-n (and M-N), implement a conventional search mechan-
ism, while the other two, i-search-back and i-search-fwd, both unbound
by default, implement the emacs-style incremental search.
History-search-backward (history-search-forward) searches backward (for-
ward) through the history list for previous (next) occurrence of the
beginning of the input buffer as a command. That is, if the user types:
> echo foo
> ls
filea fileb
> echo bar
and then types "echo<ESC>p", the shell will place "echo bar" in the
editing buffer. If another _✓M-_✓p was entered, the editing buffer would
change to "echo foo". This capability is compatible with the plain
visual history; if the user were to then enter ^_✓P the editing buffer
would be changed to "ls". The pattern used to search through the history
is defined by the characters from the beginning of the line up to the
current cursor position and may contain a shell globbing pattern. Suc-
cessive history searches use the same pattern.
When the incremental search functions are used, a prompt - "bck:" or
"fwd:", depending on the chosen direction - appears, and characters
typed are appended to the search pattern. The matching command line is
placed in the editing buffer, with the cursor positioned at the point
where the pattern was found (the incremental search will also do search-
ing within a command line). If the search fails, the terminal bell is
rung, and the ':' in the prompt is changed to '?'.
If these functions are bound to single characters, and one of those is
typed again during the incremental search, the search continues in the
corresponding direction, with the pattern unchanged; if the previous
search failed, this will also cause it to "wrap around" the history
list. Finally, the following characters also have a special meaning
during the search:
Delete (or any character bound to _✓b_✓a_✓c_✓k_✓w_✓a_✓r_✓d-_✓d_✓e_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓e-_✓c_✓h_✓a_✓r)
Undo the effect of the last character typed,
deleting a character from the pattern if appropriate.
^G Abort the search, back to the last successful one
if previous search failed, otherwise entire search.
^W Append the rest of the current word to the pattern.
ESC Terminate the search, leaving current line in buffer.
Any other character, that isn't bound to _✓s_✓e_✓l_✓f-_✓i_✓n_✓s_✓e_✓r_✓t-_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d, terminates
the search, leaving the current command line in the editing buffer,
after which _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h interprets the character as if it was normal input -
notably _✓R_✓e_✓t_✓u_✓r_✓n will cause the current command line to be executed.
In vi mode "vi-search-fwd" (bound to '/') and "vi-search-back" (bound to
'?') can be used to search the visual history. In command mode '/' or
'?' followed by a shell pattern, searches the visual history for the
pattern. The pattern can be terminated either with a _✓R_✓e_✓t_✓u_✓r_✓n, in which
case the matched history event is placed in the command buffer or an
_✓E_✓s_✓c_✓a_✓p_✓e, in which case the matched history event is executed. If no his-
tory event matches the shell pattern then the bell is rung.
There is now a builtin version of the _✓w_✓h_✓i_✓c_✓h(1) command. The builtin
version is just like the original, except that it correctly reports
aliases peculiar to this _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h, and builtin commands. The only other
difference is that the builtin runs somewhere between 10 and 100 times
faster. There is also a key-function interface to this command: the
_✓w_✓h_✓i_✓c_✓h-_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d function (normally bound to M-?), can be used anywhere on
the command line, and will in effect do a 'which' on the command name.
Similarly where will report all known instances of the command: aliases,
builtins, as well as all references in the path.
There is another new editor function: run-fg-editor, which is bound to
_✓M-^_✓Z. When typed, it saves away the current input buffer, and looks for
a stopped job with a name equal to the file name part (last element) of
either the EDITOR or VISUAL environment variables (if not defined, the
default names are "ed" and "vi" respectively). If such a job is found,
then it is restarted as if "fg %_✓n_✓a_✓m_✓e" had been typed. This is used to
toggle back and forth between an editor and the shell easily. Some peo-
ple bind this function to ^_✓Z so they can do this even more easily.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h has a new builtin called _✓e_✓c_✓h_✓o_✓t_✓c that allows the user to access the
terminal capabilities from the command line, similar to the system V
> echotc home
Places the cursor at the home position and
> echotc cm 3 10
places the cursor at column 3 row 10. This command replaces the _✓e_✓l and
_✓s_✓l variables that used contain the escape sequences to begin and end
status line changes. The command:
> echo $sl this is a test $el
is replaced by:
> echotc ts 0; echo "this is a test"; echotc fs
In addition _✓e_✓c_✓h_✓o_✓t_✓c understands the arguments _✓b_✓a_✓u_✓d, _✓l_✓i_✓n_✓e_✓s, _✓c_✓o_✓l_✓s, _✓m_✓e_✓t_✓a,
and _✓t_✓a_✓b_✓s And prints the baud rate, the number of lines and columns, and
"yes" or "no" depending if the terminal has tabs or a meta key. This
can be useful in determining how terse the output of commands will be
depending on the baud rate, or setting limits to commands like history
to the highest number so that the terminal does not scroll:
> set history=`echotc lines`
> @ history--
Note: Termcap strings may contain wildcard characters, and echoing them
will not work correctly. The suggested method of setting shell variables
to terminal capability strings is using double quotes, as in the follow-
ing example that places the date in the status line:
> set tosl="`echotc ts 0`"
> set frsl="`echotc fs`"
> echo -n "$tosl";date; echo -n "$frsl"
_✓E_✓c_✓h_✓o_✓t_✓c accepts two flags. The flag -_✓v enables verbose messages and the
flag -_✓s ignores any errors and returns the empty string if the capabil-
ity is not found.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h now supports a special alias, _✓c_✓w_✓d_✓c_✓m_✓d, which if set holds a command
that will be executed after changing the value of $cwd. For example, if
the user is running on an X window system _✓x_✓t_✓e_✓r_✓m(_✓1), and a re-parenting
window manager that supports title bars such as _✓t_✓w_✓m(_✓1) _✓a_✓n_✓d _✓h_✓a_✓s _✓d_✓o_✓n_✓e:
> alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "^[]2;${HOST}:$cwd ^G"'
then the shell will change the title of the running _✓x_✓t_✓e_✓r_✓m(_✓1) to be the
name of the host, a colon, and the full current working directory. A
more fancy way to do that is:
> alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "^[]2;${HOST}:$cwd^G^[]1;${HOST}^G"'
This will put the hostname and working directory on the title bar but
only the hostname in the icon manager menu. Note that if a user defines
_✓c_✓w_✓d_✓c_✓m_✓d to contain a _✓c_✓d, _✓p_✓u_✓s_✓h_✓d, or _✓p_✓o_✓p_✓d, command, an infinite loop may
result. In this case, it is the author's opinion that said user will
get what he deserves.
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h is eight bit clean (if so compiled, see the description of the _✓v_✓e_✓r_✓-
_✓s_✓i_✓o_✓n shell variable below), and will thus support character sets needing
this capability. The _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h support for NLS differs depending on whether
it was compiled to use the system's NLS (again, see the _✓v_✓e_✓r_✓s_✓i_✓o_✓n vari-
able) or not. In either case, the default for character classification
(i.e. which characters are printable etc) and sorting is 7-bit ascii,
and any setting or unsetting of the LANG or LC_CTYPE environment vari-
ables will cause a check for possible changes in these respects.
When using the system's NLS, the _✓s_✓e_✓t_✓l_✓o_✓c_✓a_✓l_✓e C library function will be
called to determine appropriate character classification and sorting -
this function will typically examine the LANG and LC_CTYPE variables for
this purpose (refer to the system documentation for further details).
Otherwise, NLS will be simulated, by assuming that the ISO 8859-1 char-
acter set is used whenever either of the LANG and LC_CTYPE variables are
set, regardless of their values. Sorting is not affected for the simu-
lated NLS.
In addition, with both real and simulated NLS, all printable characters
in the range \200-\377, i.e. those that have M-<char> bindings, are
automatically rebound to _✓s_✓e_✓l_✓f-_✓i_✓n_✓s_✓e_✓r_✓t-_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d (the corresponding binding
for the escape+<char> sequence, if any, is left alone). This automatic
rebinding is inhibited if the NOREBIND environment variable is set -
this may be useful for the simulated NLS, or a primitive real NLS which
assumes full ISO 8859-1 (otherwise all M-<char> bindings in the range
\240-\377 will effectively be undone in these cases). Explicitly
rebinding the relevant keys, using _✓b_✓i_✓n_✓d_✓k_✓e_✓y, is of course still possible.
Unknown characters (i.e. those that are neither printable nor control
characters) will be printed using the \nnn format. If the tty is not in
8 bit mode, other 8 bit characters will be printed by converting them to
ascii and using standout mode. _✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h will never change the 7/8 bit mode
of the tty, and will track user-initiated settings for this - i.e. it
may be necessary for NLS users (or, for that matter, those that want to
use a Meta key) to explicitly set the tty in 8 bit mode through the
appropriate _✓s_✓t_✓t_✓y(1) command in e.g. the .login file.
Automatic process time reporting is a feature that exists in _✓c_✓s_✓h, but it
is usually not documented. In addition _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h provides a slightly enriched
syntax. Process time reports are controlled via the _✓t_✓i_✓m_✓e shell variable.
The first word of the _✓t_✓i_✓m_✓e variable indicates the minimum number of CPU
seconds the process has to consume before a time report is produced. The
optional second word controls the format of the report. The following
sequences are available for the format specification:
%U The time the process spent in user mode
in cpu seconds.
%S The time the process spent in kernel mode
in cpu seconds.
%E The elapsed time in seconds.
%P The CPU percentage computed as (%U + %S) / %E.
The following sequences are supported only in systems that have the BSD
resource limit functions.
%W Number of times the process was swapped.
%X The average amount in (shared) text space used
in Kbytes.
%D The average amount in (unshared) data/stack
space used in Kbytes.
%K The total space used (%X + %D) in Kbytes.
%M The maximum memory the process had in use at
any time in Kbytes.
%F The number of major page faults (page needed to
be brought from disk).
%R The number of minor page faults.
%I The number of input operations.
%O The number of output operations.
%r The number of socket messages received.
%s The number of socket messages sent.
%k The number of signals received.
%w Number of voluntary context switches (waits).
%c Number of involuntary context switches.
The default time format is "%Uu %Ss %E %P %X+%Dk %I+%Oio %Fpf+%Ww" for
systems that support resource usage reporting and "%Uu %Ss %E %P" for
systems that do not.
For Sequent's DYNIX/ptx %X, %D, %K, %r and %s are not supported. How-
ever, the following additional sequences are available.
%Y The number of system calls performed.
%Z The number of pages which are zero-filled
on demand.
%i The number of times a process' resident
set size was increased by the kernel.
%d The number of times a process' resident
set size was decreased by the kernel.
%l The number of read system calls performed.
%m The number of write system calls performed.
%p the number of reads from raw disk devices.
%q the number of writes to raw disk devices.
The default time format for Sequent's DYNIX/ptx is "%Uu %Ss $E %P
%I+%Oio %Fpf+%Ww". Also note that the CPU percentage can be higher than
100% on multi-processors.
_✓T_✓R_✓A_✓N_✓S_✓P_✓A_✓R_✓E_✓N_✓T _✓C_✓O_✓M_✓P_✓U_✓T_✓I_✓N_✓G _✓F_✓A_✓C_✓I_✓L_✓I_✓T_✓Y
On systems that support TCF (aix-ibm370, aix-ps2) the following builtins
have been added:
getspath Print the current system execution path.
setspath LOCAL|<site>|<cpu> ...
Set the current execution path.
getxvers Print the current experimental version prefix.
setxvers [<string>]
If the optional string is ommited, any experimental version
prefix is removed. Otherwise the experimental version prefix
is set to string.
migrate [-<site>] <pid>|%<jobid> ...
migrate -<site>
The first form migrates the process or job to the site speci-
fied or the default site determined by the system path. The
second form, is equivalent to 'migrate -<site> $$', i.e.
migrates the current process to the site specified. Note:
migrating _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h itself can cause unexpected behavior, since the
shell does not like to lose its tty.
In addition, jobs will print the site the job is executing.
_✓D_✓o_✓m_✓a_✓i_✓n/_✓O_✓S _✓S_✓u_✓p_✓p_✓o_✓r_✓t
inlib <shared-library> ...
Inlib adds shared libraries to the current environment. There is no
way to remove them...
rootnode //<nodename>
Change the name of the current rootnode. From now on, / will
resolve to //<_✓r_✓o_✓o_✓t_✓n_✓o_✓d_✓e>
ver [<systype>] [<command>]
Without arguments, print $_✓S_✓Y_✓S_✓T_✓Y_✓P_✓E; with the <_✓s_✓y_✓s_✓t_✓y_✓p_✓e> provided, set
_✓S_✓Y_✓S_✓T_✓Y_✓P_✓E to the one provided. Valid systypes are bsd4.3 and sys5.3.
If a <_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d> is argument is given, then <_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d> is executed
under the <_✓s_✓y_✓s_✓t_✓y_✓p_✓e> specified.
setpath <path-spec> ...
XXX: What does it do?
universe <universe-spec> ...
Sets the current universe to the specified parameter.
warp [<universe-spec>] ...
Without arguments prints the current value of the universe. With a
universe argument it sets the current universe to the value of the
On systems that support SIGWINCH or SIGWINDOW, _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h adapts to window
resizing automatically and adjusts the environment variables LINES and
COLUMNS if set. Also if the environment variable TERMCAP contains li#,
and co# fields, these will be adjusted also to reflect the new window
On startup _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will try to source /_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓c_✓s_✓h._✓c_✓s_✓h_✓r_✓c and then
/_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓c_✓s_✓h._✓l_✓o_✓g_✓i_✓n if the shell is a login shell. Then it will try to source
$_✓H_✓O_✓M_✓E/._✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h_✓r_✓c and then $_✓H_✓O_✓M_✓E/._✓c_✓s_✓h_✓r_✓c if $_✓H_✓O_✓M_✓E/._✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h_✓r_✓c is not found. Then
it will source $_✓H_✓O_✓M_✓E/._✓l_✓o_✓g_✓i_✓n if the shell is a login shell. On exit _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h
will source first /_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓c_✓s_✓h._✓l_✓o_✓g_✓o_✓u_✓t and then $_✓H_✓O_✓M_✓E/._✓l_✓o_✓g_✓o_✓u_✓t if the shell
was a login shell.
Note: On _✓c_✓o_✓n_✓v_✓e_✓x_✓o_✓s, _✓s_✓t_✓e_✓l_✓l_✓i_✓x and _✓I_✓N_✓T_✓E_✓L the names of the system default
files are /_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓c_✓s_✓h_✓r_✓c , /_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓l_✓o_✓g_✓i_✓n and /_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓l_✓o_✓g_✓o_✓u_✓t respectively. On the
NeXT the names are also different: /_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓c_✓s_✓h_✓r_✓c._✓s_✓t_✓d , /_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓l_✓o_✓g_✓i_✓n._✓s_✓t_✓d and
/_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓l_✓o_✓g_✓o_✓u_✓t._✓s_✓t_✓d Finally on _✓i_✓r_✓i_✓x, _✓A/_✓U_✓X, _✓A_✓M_✓I_✓X, and the _✓c_✓r_✓a_✓y only the file
/_✓e_✓t_✓c/_✓c_✓s_✓h_✓r_✓c is executed if the shell is a login shell.
This section describes options that are either undocumented in _✓c_✓s_✓h (*)
or present only in _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h. (+)
-_✓d Load ~/.cshdirs (If _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h was compiled with CSHDIRS enabled)(+)
Set environment variable name to value. (Domain/OS only) (+)
-_✓F Use fork() instead of vfork() to spawn processes. (Convex/OS only)
-_✓l Make _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h behave like a login shell. (+)
-_✓m Allow reading of a .cshrc that does not belong to the effective
user. Newer versions of _✓s_✓u(_✓1) can pass that to the shell. (some ver-
sions of csh have it) (+*)
-_✓q Make the shell accept SIGQUIT, and behave when it is used under a
debugger. Job control is disabled. (*)
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h accepts more than one variable modifier per variable or history
expansion. For example, in _✓c_✓s_✓h(_✓1) the following command expands to:
% set a=/usr/local/foo.bar.baz
% echo $a:t:r:e
but in _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h:
> set a=/usr/local/foo.bar.baz
> echo $a:t:r:e
This bug fix changes slightly the input syntax of _✓c_✓s_✓h, causing expres-
sions of the form to have invalid syntax:
> set a=/usr/local/foo.bar.baz
> echo $a:t:$cwd
Unknown variable modifier.
Which is the correct behavior, since after the second colon a variable
modifier is expected and `$' is found. Expressions like this should be
re-written as:
> echo ${a:t}:$cwd
_✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h can also use the _✓l and _✓u modifiers to change the case of a word.
Also _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h has an additional : character _✓a which applies the current
modifier multiple times in the same word, in the same way _✓g applies the
modifier once in each word:
> set foo=(a:b:c d:e:f)
> echo $foo:s/:/ /
a b:c d:e:f
> echo $foo:gs/:/ /
a b:c d e:f
> echo $foo:as/:/ /
a b c d:e:f
> echo $foo:ags/:/ /
a b c d e f
The _✓c_✓s_✓h expert will notice in the above example another _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h enhance-
ment. In _✓c_✓s_✓h the _✓s modifier does not work for variables.
The _✓a character works correctly with other modifiers, for example:
> echo $host
> echo $host:r
> echo $host:ar
_✓N_✓o_✓t_✓e: The _✓a character causes a modifier to be applied to a word repeat-
edly until the modifier fails. This can lead to an infinite loop in the
current implementation when used with the _✓s modifier. For example
:as/f/ff/ will never terminate. This behavior might change in the
The new _✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓e and _✓u_✓n_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓e builtins can change the behavior of the
listing and file-completion in tcsh. For example some commands like _✓c_✓d,
_✓p_✓u_✓s_✓h_✓d, _✓p_✓o_✓p_✓d , _✓m_✓k_✓d_✓i_✓r(_✓1), _✓r_✓m_✓d_✓i_✓r(_✓1) accept only directories as arguments.
Normally _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h when asked to list or complete an argument for those com-
mands takes into account all the files and not only directories. This
behavior can be changed by telling _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h that these commands only expect
directory arguments:
> complete cd 'n/*/d/'
The above command tells _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h to complete any following word with a
The syntax for the _✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓e and _✓u_✓n_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓e builtins is:
_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓e [<_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d-_✓p_✓a_✓t_✓t_✓e_✓r_✓n> [<_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓i_✓o_✓n-_✓a_✓r_✓g_✓u_✓m_✓e_✓n_✓t>]]
_✓u_✓n_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓e <_✓c_✓o_✓m_✓m_✓a_✓n_✓d-_✓p_✓a_✓t_✓t_✓e_✓r_✓n>
Completion arguments are matched in turn from left to right and the
first successful match is returned. There are three different comple-
tion arguments, modeled after the _✓s_✓e_✓d(_✓1) substitute command and they are
of the form:
The five commands available are:
p This specifies position-dependent completion. The matching pattern
is a numeric range similar to the one used to index shell vari-
ables. If the current word is within that range, then the comple-
tion action is taken. For example:
> complete cd 'p/1/d/'
completes only the first argument of 'cd' with a directory. A spe-
cial useful case of position-dependent completion can be used to
disambiguate command completion:
> set autolist
> co[TAB]
complete compress
> complete -co* 'p/0/(complete)/'
> co[TAB]
> complete _
The above command tells the completion mechanism to match any word
on position 0, that matches the pattern _✓c_✓o* . If a match is found,
the word is replaced with the literal pattern "complete". The lead-
ing '-' in the pattern signifies that this completion is to be used
only with ambiguous commands.
n,N This command specifies next-word completions. The matching pattern
in this case is a shell pattern that must match the previous word
on the command line (_✓n), or the word before that (_✓N). For example:
> complete find 'n/-user/u/'
Here the argument of the find command which follows the -user argu-
ment is completed from the list of users.
c,C The last two completion commands complete the current word. The
matching pattern in this case must match the prefix of the current
word. For example:
> complete cc 'c/-I/d/'
completes the the word containing -I from the list of directories.
While `c' discards the matched prefix, `C' keeps it and applies the
completion using it.
So far the _✓d, _✓u, (_✓w_✓o_✓r_✓d) completion actions have been mentioned. The com-
plete list of completion actions are:
C Complete completions
S Complete signals
a Complete aliases
b Complete binding
c Complete command
d Complete directory
e Complete environment variable
f Complete file or path component
j Complete jobs
l Complete limits
n Complete nothing
s Complete shell variable
v Complete any variable
u Complete username
x Explain what argument when listing is requested.
$var Complete using words from variable
(...) Complete using words from list
`...` Complete evaluating word list from the output of command.
All the above completion actions, except _✓x, $_✓v_✓a_✓r, (...), and `...` can
have an additional shell pattern which must match the files to be com-
pleted, separated from the action with a ':'. The '_✓x' completion action
instead expects the explanation string specified this way. For example,
in the C compiler, it makes sense to complete only files that the com-
piler understands:
> complete cc 'n/*/f:*.[cao]/'
It is also useful to exclude files from the completion list. Normally
_✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h will expand the following command:
> set fignore=(.o)
> ls
foo.c foo.o
> vi f[TAB]
> vi foo.c
> rm f[TAB]
> rm foo.c
A better way to do this is to use the _✓c_✓o_✓m_✓p_✓l_✓e_✓t_✓e builtin to protect pre-
cious files:
> complete rm 'n/*/f:^*.{c,h,cc,C,tex,1,man,l,y}/'
> ls
foo.c foo.o
> vi f[TAB]
> vi foo.c
> rm f[TAB]
> rm foo.o
Note that _✓f_✓i_✓g_✓n_✓o_✓r_✓e is not used when a shell pattern is specified in a
completion action.
Other commands don't expect files as arguments, so the completion buil-
tin can be used to change the list of items to be completed:
> complete man 'n/*/c/' # complete commands
> complete which 'n/*/c/'
> complete dbx 'p/2/(core)/' 'n/*/c/'
> complete alias 'p/1/a/' # complete aliases
> complete set 'p/1/s/' # complete variables
> complete finger 'p/1/u/' # complete user-names
Note that in the _✓d_✓b_✓x example, the positional completion is specified
before the next word completion. Since completions are evaluated from
left to right, if the next word completion was specified first it would
always match and the positional completion would never be executed. This
is a common mistake when defining a completion.
In some cases the list needs to be customized or dynamically generated.
> set hostnames=(prep.ai.mit.edu tesla.ee.cornell.edu)
> complete rlogin 'p/1/$hostnames/'
Consider a complex example using matching patterns to direct argument
dependent completions:
> complete find 'n/-fstype/(nfs 4.2)/' 'n/-name/f/' \
'n/-type/(c b d f p l s)/' 'n/-user/u/' 'n/-exec/c/' \
'n/-ok/c/' 'n/-cpio/f/' 'n/-ncpio/f/' 'n/-newer/f/' \
'c/-/(fstype name perm prune type user nouser \
group nogroup size inum atime mtime ctime exec \
ok print ls cpio ncpio newer xdev depth)/' \
The words following the -_✓f_✓s_✓t_✓y_✓p_✓e and -_✓t_✓y_✓p_✓e arguments is to be completed
from the lists specified. The word following the -_✓n_✓a_✓m_✓e, -_✓c_✓p_✓i_✓o, -_✓n_✓c_✓p_✓i_✓o,
and -_✓n_✓e_✓w_✓e_✓r arguments are to be completed using files or directory com-
ponents. The word following the -_✓u_✓s_✓e_✓r argument will be completed from
the list of user names of the system, and the word following the -_✓e_✓x_✓e_✓c
and -_✓o_✓k arguments will be completed from the list of commands. The
fourth line specifies how the current word will be completed if it
starts with a -. Note that the pattern of this completion argument
refers to the _✓c_✓u_✓r_✓r_✓e_✓n_✓t word and not to the _✓p_✓r_✓e_✓v_✓i_✓o_✓u_✓s word, like before.
Finally the last line in the find completion matches all the remaining
cases and requires a directory component.
> cd /usr
> set autolist
> find [TAB]
bin/ include/ lib/ local/ man/ src/
> find -[TAB]
atime depth group mtime newer ok prune user
cpio exec inum name nogroup perm size xdev
ctime fstype ls ncpio nouser print type
> find -u[TAB]
> find -user [TAB]
christos root
> find -user c[TAB]
> find -user christos
Another useful feature is to override the default suffix rules. For
> complete rcp 'c/*:/f/' 'p/1/$hosts/:'
> complete finger 'c/*@/$hosts/' 'p/1/u/@'
completes from $hosts appending a `:' and then begins expanding files,
where finger expands user-names appending an `@' and then begins expand-
ing hosts.
Another exotic example that makes use of dynamic command execution is:
> complete talk p/1/'`users | tr " " "\012" | uniq`'/ \
n/\*/\`who\ \|\ grep\ \$:1\ \|\ awk\ \'\{\ print\ \$2\ \}\'\`/
Here we want to get a list of the active users, as an argument to talk,
then we want to pick the user, and find his tty... Note that there is
no quoting performed inside the completion patterns. If the character
'/' is used in the matched pattern, then another punctuation character
can be used as a separator. The only pattern recognized is $:<number>
which is substituted by the n'th word of the current line.
1. The completion command-patterns are overridden when the internal
parsing mechanism determines that the completion is a login name,
or a variable.
2. This is an experimental feature and the syntax/behavior may change
in future versions.
This shell uses CBREAK mode but takes typed-ahead characters anyway.
You can still use _✓s_✓t_✓t_✓y(1) to set some of the modes of your terminal (but
not bindings).
This shell will restore your tty to a sane mode if it appears to return
from some command in raw, CBREAK, or noecho mode. This behavior can be
changed using _✓s_✓e_✓t_✓t_✓y.
HPATH -- path to look for command documentation
LANG -- used to give preferred character environment (see NLS)
LC_CTYPE -- used to change only ctype character handling (see NLS)
NOREBIND -- inhibits rebinding of printable characters to self-insert-
PATH -- path to look for command execution
SHLVL -- current shell level nesting
TERM -- used to tell how to handle the terminal
LINES -- Number of lines in terminal (see WINDOW SIZE)
COLUMNS -- Number of columns in terminal (see WINDOW SIZE)
TERMCAP -- Terminal capability string (see WINDOW SIZE)
SYSTYPE -- The current system type (Domain OS only)
addsuffix add a / for directories, and a space for normal files when
complete matches a name exactly. If unset don't add anything
ampm show all times in 12 hour, AM/PM format.
Correct mis-spelled path components automatically before
attempting completion.
invoke the expand-history function automatically on comple-
autolist list possibilities on an ambiguous completion.
The first word indicates number of minutes of inactivity
before automatic logout. The optional second word indicates
the number of minutes of inactivity after which the user will
be prompted for his login password to enter a command.
makes the backslash quote \, ', and ". This option changes the
parsing mechanism for tcsh, and it can cause syntax errors in
_✓c_✓s_✓h scripts.
correct automatically try to correct the spelling of commands. Must
be set to either correct=cmd, only command name will be
corrected, or correct=all, the whole line will be corrected.
dextract extract a directory on pushd rather than rotating.
dunique Push only directories that are not already in the directory
Set the style of the builtin echo. Valid values are:
_✓b_✓s_✓d : if the first argument is -n, don't echo a newline.
_✓s_✓y_✓s_✓v : recognize \ escape sequences in echo strings.
_✓b_✓o_✓t_✓h : recognize both -n and \ escape sequences.
_✓n_✓o_✓n_✓e : the purist's echo.
edit use the input editor, set by default.
fignore list of file name suffixes (e.g. .o, ~) to ignore during com-
gid the current real group id.
histlit If set, history lines in the editor will be shown with its
literal value (that is the line as it was input) instead of
the shells lexical version. The current history line can be
toggled between literal and lexical with the toggle-literal-
history function. History lines saved at shell exit are also
saved as this variable indicates.
histfile If set, it contains the full path-name where a history file is
read/written. It defaults to $home/.history. This is useful
when sharing the same home directory in different machines, or
if one wants to save all the histories in the tty sessions. It
is usually set in .cshrc for interactive shells, because his-
tory is sourced between .cshrc and .login so that it is avail-
able from .login.
inputmode Can be set to either _✓i_✓n_✓s_✓e_✓r_✓t or _✓o_✓v_✓e_✓r_✓w_✓r_✓i_✓t_✓e to control the line
editing behavior, as described in section 1.
listjobs list all jobs when suspending. set listjobs=long, produces
long format.
listlinks Resolve symbolic links when listing files so that the correct
filetype is shown.
listmax maximum number of items to list without asking first.
matchbeep control beeping on completion. With matchbeep=nomatch, com-
pletion only beeps when there is no match, with
matchbeep=ambiguous, beeps also when there are multiple
matches, with matchbeep=notunique, beeps when there is one
exact and other longer matches, with matchbeep=never, it never
nobeep Disables beeping completely.
nokanji If kanji support is enable, setting this variable disables it,
so that the meta key can be used.
nostat An list of directories that should not be stat'ed during a
completion operation. Some directories e.g. "/afs", can take
too much time to complete a _✓s_✓t_✓a_✓t(_✓2) operation, making them
prime candidates for membership in this list.
oid The organization id number (Domain OS only).
if an interactive program exits non-zero, print the exit
prompt the string to prompt with.
prompt2 the string to prompt for while and for loops with.
prompt3 the string to prompt with when automatic spelling correction
has corrected a command line.
make pushd with no args do a "pushd ~" (like cd does).
do not print the dir stack on every pushd and popd.
recexact recognize exact matches even if they are ambiguous.
list choices of commands only displays files in the path that
are executable (slow).
rmstar Prompt the user before execution of `rm *'.
savedirs Before exiting, create a file called $HOME/.cshdirs that con-
tains the necessary commands to restore the current directory
stack. _✓T_✓c_✓s_✓h will read this file during startup and restore the
directory stack.
savehist number of history items to save between login sessions. If it
is just set, the number of items is taken from $history.
shlvl Integer value indicating the number of nested shells.
showdots show hidden files in list and complete operations. If it is
set to -A, then "." and ".." are not displayed, similarly to
the BSD ls -A.
symlinks can be set to: _✓c_✓h_✓a_✓s_✓e , in order to resolve the full path
names, _✓i_✓g_✓n_✓o_✓r_✓e , in order to use $cwd to resolve relative
directory references for builtins. _✓e_✓x_✓p_✓a_✓n_✓d , in order to use
$cwd and rewrite the arguments for commands.
tcsh Contains the current version of the shell as R.VV.PP. The _✓R
indicates the major release number, the _✓V_✓V the current version
and the _✓P_✓P the patchlevel.
term the terminal type; see above.
tperiod periodic command wait period (in minutes).
tty The name of the tty, or empty if not attached to one.
uid the current real user ID.
version the version ID stamp for this _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h. It contains, the origin of
this version of _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h, the date this version was released and a
string containing a comma separated list of the compile time
options enabled:
8b 7b If tcsh was compiled to be eight bit clean
or not. The default is 8b.
nls Set if tcsh uses the system's NLS, should be
the default for systems that have NLS.
lf Set if tcsh should execute .login before
.cshrc on login shells. Default is not set.
dl Set if tcsh should put . last on the path
for security. Default is set.
vi Set if tcsh's default editor is vi. Default
is unset (emacs)
dtr Set if tcsh should drop dtr on login shells
when exiting. Default is unset.
bye Set if tcsh should accept bye in addition
to logout, and rename log to watchlog.
Default is unset.
al Set if tcsh should determine if autologout
should be enabled. The default is set.
dir Set if tcsh should save and restore the directory
kan Set if tcsh is compiled for Kanji.
(ignore the iso character set.) Default is unset.
sm Set if tcsh was compiled to use the system's malloc.
In addition to the above strings, administrators can enter local strings
to indicate differences in the local version.
use the visible bell (screen flash) rather than audible bell.
watch list of events to watch.
who format string for the printouts generated when _✓w_✓a_✓t_✓c_✓h is set.
wordchars list of non-alphanumeric characters considered part of a word
for the purpose of the forward-word, backward-word etc func-
tions -- defaults to "*?_-.[]~=".
_✓c_✓w_✓d_✓c_✓m_✓d the command is run after every change of working directory.
_✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d_✓i_✓c the command to be run every _✓t_✓p_✓e_✓r_✓i_✓o_✓d minutes.
_✓p_✓r_✓e_✓c_✓m_✓d the command to be run prior to printing each prompt.
_✓b_✓e_✓e_✓p_✓c_✓m_✓d the command to be run every time _✓t_✓c_✓s_✓h wants to echo the termi-
nal bell.
xterm(1), twm(1), csh(1), chsh(1), termcap(5), termio(7)
The screen update for lines longer than the screen width is very poor if
the terminal cannot move the cursor up (i.e. terminal type "dumb").
I am certain that there are bugs. Bugs (preferably with fixes) should
be sent to Christos Zoulas (christos@ee.cornell.edu).
This man page documents tcsh 6.02.00 (Cornell) 05/15/92.
Ken Greer, HP Labs, 1981
Wrote the command completion.
Mike Ellis, Fairchild, 1983
Added command name recognition/completion.
Paul Placeway, Ohio State CIS dept., 1983
Added the command line editor.
Rayan Zachariassen, University of Toronto, 1984
Added the builtin _✓w_✓h_✓i_✓c_✓h feature to the editor, and the code for _✓l_✓s-_✓F .
Also numerous bug fixes, modifications, and performance enhancements.
Chris Kingsley, Caltech
Wrote the fast storage allocator routines (nmalloc.c).
Karl Kleinpaste, CCI 1983-4
Added special aliases, directory stack extraction stuff, login/logout
watch, and scheduled events. Also came up with the idea of the new
prompt format.
Paul Placeway, Ohio State CIS dept., 1987
Re-wrote the editor, cleaned up other code, and added the prompt rou-
tines, added to the syntax for file name expressions, and sped up the
shell some.
Chris Grevstad, TRW, 1987
Ported the 4.3 csh sources to tcsh.
Christos S. Zoulas, Cornell U. EE dept., 1987-91
ported tcsh to HPUX, and System V rel. 2 and 3 and wrote a SysV version
of getwd.c. Added SHORT_STRINGS support. New version of sh.glob.c.
James J Dempsey, BBN, 1988, and Paul Placeway, OSU, 1988
Re-ported tcsh to A/UX.
Mika Liljeberg, liljeber@kruuna.Helsinki.FI
Linux port.
Scott Krotz, Motorola, 1991
Minix port.
David Dawes, Sydney U. Australia, Physics dept., 1991
SVR4 job control fixes. (reverse pipeline startup code, and signal
Jose Sousa, Interactive Systems Corp., 1991
Extended vi fixes. Added delete command in vi.
Marc Horowitz, MIT, 1991
Ansification fixes, new exec hashing code, imake fixes, where builtin.
Eric Schnoebelen, Convex, 1990
Convex support, lots of csh bug fixes, save and restore of directory
Jaap Vermeulen, Sequent, 1990-91
Vi mode fixes, expand-line, window change fixes, ported to symmetry
Ron Flax, Apple, 1990
Ported again to A/UX 2.0
Dan Oscarsson, LTH Sweden, 1990
NLS support and simulated for non NLS sites. Correction of file names
also handles the case when the / is replaced by another character. The
editor does not switch into cbreak mode unless needed. The shell will
not use character attributes when output is not to a tty.
Johan Widen, SICS Sweden, 1990
Shell level variable, mach support, correct-line, 8-bit printing.
Matt Day, Sanyo Icon, 1990
Added POSIX termio support; Fixed limit stuff for SysV.
Hans J. Albertsson (Sun Sweden)
Added the ampm variable handling, DING!, and the settc and telltc buil-
Michael Bloom
Fixed some of the interrupt handling.
Michael Fine, Digital Equipment Corp
added the extended key support.
Daniel Long, NNSC, 1988
Added the wordchars variable.
George Hartzell, MCD Biology, University of Colorado-Boulder, 1988
Fixed the always resetting to DEL bug.
Patrick Wolfe, Kuck and Associates, Inc., 1988
Cleaned up VI mode and wrote the new editor description (in section 1).
Jak Kirman, 1988
Fixed the SunOS 4 giant stack allocation bug.
Bruce Robertson, Tektronix, 1989
Fixed setting erase and kill (again).
David C Lawrence, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989
Added "autolist" variable and code to list possibilities on ambiguous
Martin Boyer, Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Quebec, 1991.
Modified "autolist" variable and code to give options on beeping
behavior. Modified the history search to search for the whole string
from the beginning of the line to the cursor.
Alec Wolman, DEC, 1989
Added code to allow newlines in the prompt.
Matt Landau, BBN, 1989
Fixed YP bugs on Suns, added .tcshrc stuff.
Ray Moody, Purdue Physics, 1989
Added the code to do magic spacebar history expansion.
Mordechai ????, Intel, 1989
Re-arranged the printprompt() routine to use a switch(*cp) (rather than
a bunch of ifs), and added a few things to it.
Josh Siegel, dspo.gov, 1989
Fixed "fg-editor" and added the status line shell variables "sl" and
Karl Berry, UMB, 1989
Fixed a bug involving environ (in sh.func.c) on NeXT computers.
Michael Greim, Universitaet des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, W-Germany,
Fixed the nested backquote bug (yes, you can do it; think about aliases)
in 4.2 csh. This fix was posted to comp.bugs.4bsd.
Kazuhiro Honda, Department of Computer Science, Keio University, 1989
Added the code for automatic spelling correction, the prompt3 stuff (the
autocorrect prompt), and HOSTTYPE symbols for the Sony NEWS.
Paul Placeway, BBN, 1990
Fixed character redrawing code insert bugs, and made redrawing code han-
dle multiple character movement, insert, and delete (if it exists).
Fixed setting of SHELL.
Per Hedeland, Ellemtel, Sweden, 1990
Various bugfixes and improvements, e.g. in history expansion, autolist,
added autoexpand, updated the manual.
A special thanks to: Bryan Dunlap, Clayton Elwell, Karl Kleinpaste, Bob
Manson, Steve Romig, Diana Smetters, Bob Sutterfield, Mark Verber,
Elizabeth Zwicky, and all the other people at Ohio State for suggestions
and encouragement.
Also, thanks to all the people on the net for putting up with, reporting
bugs in, and suggesting new additions to the old tcsh editor.